02 junho, 2014

10 movies to watch before came to Brazil World Cup!!

Hello!! I hope you enjoy the view...^^

  I'm a Brazilian English teacher and I'm here to introduce you to this splendid country... Make yourself at home!! =D
  And I'm not telling this just to make you comfortable, but because some people have the awful costume of mess the house of other person when have a visit... Of course, that's not your case, but, try to remember: Brazil is someone's home, and we like our organization, just the way it is... No more mess, and no less!! 

  Well, I'm here trying to give you a kind of guide about "how to be a nice visitor in our World Cup", but I guess it's better to show "how do not learn about our costumes before came"... Follow the clues below:
  • Don't read French, American or any not-Brazil magazine article about us;
  Why?! 'Cause who wrote this article probably never came to Brazil, or came for one event day, and never mind how we do live... 
  "Ho, but they have interviewed Brazilians to write this!" Did they?! Even if they did, there are a many people in my country that don't like to live here, saying things like "This poor and mixed's people country is not to me", "I do deserve to be in Miami Beach, not in this hell called Rio!", and almost my prefer one "We might be colonized by British, then we would be a civilized country!!"... Really, I love the way how people could be worse, therefore ask why the Universe didn't send him/her to a "better" place, as they "deserve, being nice people"... But don't!!
  • Don't read the "politically correct" editions about Brazil;
  May you ask again: Why? If it is one of the Brazilian biggest magazine companies!!
  Just because their higgest employers are the same people who like to talk bad things about their own home... =/
  I keep thinking if Brazil have a war, this people could be arrested as betrayers!! But they don't care, 'cause there are no war in Brazil... And we hope never have!!

Then you could ask "If I can't read about your country, how may you think I will be able to learn about it?!  Reading YOUR article?! How arrogant are you!!
  Thanks, I know I'm arrogant, BUT NO, I will not tell you to READ anything... Just to WATCH!!

  Brazilians are a big movies fan people!! Me, my parents, my friends, my partner... We frquently go to the cinema on weekends, to meet each other, to know what's new... And we have a great selection of national movies, about comedy, based in real facts, kids, drama, documentaries, and more, more and more...
  Someone's don't like our sex appeal, but it happens in a lot of Brazilians productions... Not because we have nothing better to put on a film, but because we like it!! Who doesn't?! But keep calm, I'm not indicating p*rn movies, just ones with hotties kisses and hugs...

Central do Brasil (1998)
Shows the way of poor people on Brasil, leading about life and surviver all the time;

The "brazilian way of life" is funniest that you guess;

Our children lives between slightshot and hope;

We do not agree with violence, but it happens,came from everywhere;

Carandiru (2003)
The most chocking movie about misfeasance;

The underdog could fought against the sistem;

Besouro (2009)
Brasilians heroes, since 1920;

Olga (2004)
Our History is yours;

Chico Xavier (2010)
Not the most popular religion on my contry, but we learn about respect with all of them;

Cazuza (2004)
One of the biggest musicians and ativist of our modern history;

  I only included movies that I watched, so if you know another one to increase this list, please, tell us!! ^^
  You could too like these ones:

  Not all the movies have a english subbed trailer, but you could to find the movies in english to watch them before you came, or while here ;)

Have a nice FIFA Festival!!
Miss Mess!!

4 comentários:

  1. Assisti muitos deles, são filmes ótimos, principalmente O Auto da Compadecida e Tropa de elite.
    gostei do post, super legal.


    1. Adoro todos!! E nem consegui incluir todos os que queria, por terem muito da visão brasileira, mas mais da forma brincalhona de ser, o que ficaria vago pra estrangeiros, pelas piadas internas, rsrs
      Perdi o sorteio, mas estava inscrita... Deu tempo!! ^^
      Valeu guria!! Bjssss....

  2. Eu confesso que tenho um certo preconceito com filmes brasileiros, gostei de alguns poucos, pois detesto apelações, e nossas produções tem muito disso ... mas está é minha opinião,

    Desses olhei Central do Brasil e Chico Xavier e Tropa de Elite, os outros comecei e não terminei ...

    É um ótimo post Elis, esperamos que os outros olhem para nós com bons olhos, porque apesar dos erros temos coisas boas para oferecer.

    1. Ahhhh eu tinha quando criança, pelos mesmos motivos que você apresentou, mas hoje acho que diminuiu bastante (da déc 90 pra cá, rs) e ficou uma coisa mais família!!
      Talvez você goste dos que não pude incluir, pela questão regionalismo que só nós entenderíamos: "Minha mãe é uma Peça", "O Concurso", "O Homem que Desafiou o Diabo", "Se eu fosse Você"...
      São filmes de menor conotação sexual e muitoooo bons!! ^^

      Obg pelo incentivo My!! Acho que retratam bem as mazelas e as coisas boas do nosso Brasil-sil-sil!! rsrs

